Field at Sunset

Note there is no life in this painting. Apparently this was a subconscious trait in many of my paintings, especially landscapes. oil, 1992-93, texas [?]

Lime Woods

One of the rare, colorful woods that I have painted. I was inspired by a spring time woods on the grounds of Indiana University. But there was never a place like this in my reality! Oil, mid-1970s, Indiana [b]

Walt’s Swamp

One of my moody landscapes, I really like these colors, the naked tree limbs, and the murky mood. This was painted when I was living with Walt and Nancy. When Walt saw it, he commented it was the kind of place where certain rural folks dumped old cars, bodies, and who knows what else! It's... Continue Reading →

Angry Mountains

I was peacefully painting when my ex-husband stopped by for a visit. I was quite angry when he left, so when I returned to the painting the angry red was added. We were divorced May 1977 and I think this was done that fall (or possibly the next). oil 1977, Indiana [b]

Field at Sunset

Note there is no life in this painting. Apparently this was a subconscious trait in many of my paintings, especialy landscapes. oil, 1990S, texas [p].

Blue Mountains

Dark blue mountains against a dawn sky surrounded by cold water. A palette knife was used to make the mountains, oil, mid-1980s, Texas [a].

Dog in White Room

This painting was done after the blue lady & the critical self. The dog is in a white empty room. A small window is above eye level so he can't see outside. The only bit of outsideness that has managed to get into the room is a small bee or fly which the dog is... Continue Reading →

Critical Self

This was painted shortly after painting the peaceful Blue Lady. a woman stands on rock, preparing to whip something with her cat-o-nine-tails. She stands atop rough rocks & is surrounded by angry oranges & reds. her cape is wing-like. oil, mid-1970s, Indiana [b]

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