Dog in White Room

This painting was done after the blue lady & the critical self. The dog is in a white empty room. A small window is above eye level so he can't see outside. The only bit of outsideness that has managed to get into the room is a small bee or fly which the dog is... Continue Reading →

Critical Self

This was painted shortly after painting the peaceful Blue Lady. a woman stands on rock, preparing to whip something with her cat-o-nine-tails. She stands atop rough rocks & is surrounded by angry oranges & reds. her cape is wing-like. oil, mid-1970s, Indiana [b]

Blue Lady

In my college town there were times I saw this priestess in my mind and there were other times that I was her. So I decided to make a painting of her. I only saw her from the back & in a woods surrounded by light blues. once painted, i didn't see her again. Oil,... Continue Reading →

Bone on Rock

This started out as a flower, but it didn't work out. So I grabbed my palette knife and this is what came out. I am having to relearn technique beccause of my ms disability. This was my first (and only) experiment with the palette knifeĀ this badly disabled. oil, 2016, texas [cp]

MS Girl

This is how IĀ feel on a bad day with MS [multiple sclerosis]. I'm broken into pieces. see the resemblance to "dying gaul"? oil 2016, texas [cp]

Choppy Tree

Painted with disabled hands from ms [shakey, lost grip]. I was practicing the painting of a tree. no more smooth bark, have to change to more choppy bark. need to learn how to paint all over again using my alternate hand. Oil, 2015 Texas. [l]

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