Girl in Glass Box

Here I am surrounded by nature, but I am unable to connect with it. not with my spirit nor my physical senses. Psychic realm also feels blocked. I am in a glass box seeing things but no connection exists. Alone & waiting for ...  If a tree falls, will I hear it or feel its... Continue Reading →

Moon Circle

I wanted the white full moon. Then another white orb in the water with someone in the center. Is it a reflection? is the orb in the water merely a symbol of surrounding oneself with moon energy? What is the significance of the person waist deep in water? and why centered in the water orb?... Continue Reading →

Retreat Meditation

In February 1992, I went on a Women’s Spirituality Weekend Retreat. That Sunday morning, we had a water ceremony which included a guided meditation.  This image is from that meditation. The image was clear to me afterwards, so I sketched it.  It was about a month before I had the time to paint it. GUIDED MEDITATION... Continue Reading →


This is a watercolor I did at my mother's elbow. It's been another favorite of mine now for years. so non-assuming, quiet piece.  watercolor 1992-93 texas [Indiana visit]

Peach Ducks

One of my favorite paintings, this is a mellow and quiet scene. The peach color was an experiment and I absolutely adore it.  This is one of the few paintings that has life in it i.e. the ducks floating by. oil 1992-93 texas

Field at Sunset

Note there is no life in this painting. Apparently this was a subconscious trait in many of my paintings, especially landscapes. oil, 1992-93, texas [?]

Watercolor Plant

I had watercolor paints when we lived in Poland for a year. This painting is of a window with a plant in that yellow stairwell I did in an earlier oil painting. watercolor, POLAND 1991

Chinese Wall

always interested in Chinese "religions" & history, my focus for this painting was a segment of the Chinese wall. No secondary meanings, just a wall in a landscape. Something different. oil, POLAND 1991  

Yellow Stairs

I wanted to paint something diferent, so I chose the yellow stairwell. We lived on the 4th [or 5th] floor of the building, so we climbed these stairs every day. oil, POLAND 1991

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